
CodeworkingObjective CArticle ≫ AriyankiNet Mobile Version

AriyankiNet Mobile Version

Mon 12 Oct 2015, 05:21

This is AriyankiNet IOS App, mobile version app of In this app I’m using Objective C, Json Data API, Lazy Table Image, and Slide Out Side Menu. This App contain Article & Photo like what is contained in this website.


Application Menu

Menu List

  • Slide out Side Menu Bar
  • Json Data API
  • UITableView


Article List

Article List

  • UITableView
  • Json Data API
  • Tab Bar Controller
  • Lazy Table Image Method


Photo List

Photo List

  • UICollectionView
  • Json Data API
  • Tab Bar Controller
  • Lazy Table Image Method


Article Reader

Article Reader

  • UIWebView
  • Load URL


Photo Viewer

Photo URL

  • UIImageView
  • Load Image URL


This is the StoryBoard:



There are still many things i want to do to this app, this is not finished.



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